Darkfield - Coma
Watermans, 40 High Street Brentford, TW8 0Ds
8th Jun 2022 - 12th Jun 2022
UNTIL Sunday 12th June

COMA is a live immersive experience......come, if you dare! Imagine the moment of waking up is actually the moment when your dream begins. In light of this new and strange reality, how can we save you from the unspeakable horrors which lurk in the dark recesses of your mind?
The only cure we offer is a placebo and a promise. Please remember when you leave to take your body with you. DARKFIELD's brand new show, COMA, premiered at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe and in Canary Wharf, London.
Over 30 minutes, the audience is invited to take part in a mass experiment, to lie down together and imagine a new collective reality. Wednesday 8- Sunday 12 June, c30 mins (including briefing), at various times see website for details Tickets: £10 (£9) per person for ages 14+ years