Murder mystery takes users on a trail through the streets of Brentford

An interactive murder mystery trail is fusing the real world with a fictional world, as users are taken on a storytelling trip through Brentford.
INTERROBANG?! is the name of the theatrical murder mystery created by Brentford-based immersive theatre company Gideon Reeling.
Both a digital and location based experience are possible, where people can play the game on the streets of Brentford.
Using a newspaper to navigate, players will be led around the local area through the narrator's eyes.
A number of local businesses have been incorporated into the project, so keep your eyes peeled for evidence.
Kate Hargreaves, artistic director at Gideon Reeling Ltd, described it as a "thought-provoking mix" of being in a real environment.
She said: "I would like people to go out and look at our local area with some fresh eyes and maybe go visit some of the businesses we've hooked up with, and get a bit of storytelling for free.
"Everyone may not agree with the angle but it's a piece of fiction and ultimately this can translate to lots of different communities across the country."
The mystery deals with issues of property development, regeneration and lobbying and how they interplay in the community and affect residents on an everyday level.
Issues particularly pertinent to Brentford.
One of the company's key aims was to provide free theatrical experiences in public spaces, which during the pandemic had not been possible.
Kate also added: "We were conscious of low engagement with the arts in Hounslow so we thought this could be more accessible to people who may not consider themselves 'theatre go-ers'."
The content also fitted with their ongoing interest in finding new ways to connect physical and digital spaces, as well as new and covid safe ways to deliver theatrical storytelling experiences.
The free to play local audio experience runs alongside a digital show, which you can access through the Watermans website .
Watermans art centre is the best place to start the trail and pick up a copy of the Echo newspaper, which will be available until it runs out!
Look out around town for other secret destinations with the newspaper and QR codes.
The online game experience will be running until January.
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